quilts // clay // color // photography // misc.

An attempt to create a spring palette crafted from the diverse flora of our local landscape (︎Datça).

Since spring is fleeting here, I hustled to create the color swatches before the herbaceous flora dried up. Utilizing flowers and leaves of 25 native plants, including many with medicinal properties such as mallow, sage, chamomile, lavender, poppy, and immortelle, for dye sources merely scratches the surface of the biodiversity found on this peninsula. Witnessing the sheer biomass this land yields every spring is mind-blowing—a cycle of growth, decay, and renewal.

I used cotton, silk, and linen fabrics as color swatches mordanted with aluminum sulfate. Then modified the dye colors with iron and copper post-treatments to achieve multiple colors with a single dye.
April-May 2024

click to enlarge

1. Crown daisy / dağlama / Chrysanthemum coronarium
2. Dandelion / hindiba / Taraxacum sp.
3. Sourgrass / ekşi yonca / Oxalis pes-caprae
4. Orange wattle / kıbrıs akasyası / Acacia saligna
5. 1+2+3+4 mix
6. Poppy / gelincik / Papaver sp.
7. Mallow / Ebegümeci / Malva sylvestris
8. Sun spurge / Sarı sütleğen / Euphorbia helioscopia
9. Fenugreek / Çemenotu / Trigonella sp.
10. Charlock / Yabani hardal / Sinapis arvensis
11. Weaver's broom / Katırtırnağı / Spartium junceum
12. Chamomile / Tıbbi papatya / Matricaria chamomilla
13. Sage / Adaçayı / Salvia sp.
14. Spiny spurge / Sütlüçeti / Euphorbia acanthamnos
15. Immortelle / Sarısolmaz / Helichrysum orientale
16. Mediterranean strawflower / Kudama / Helichrysum stoechas
17. Topped lavender / Karabaş / Lavandula stoechas
18. Crowberry-leaved St. John's Wort / Çobanyaprağı / Hypericum empetrifolium
19. Castor bean / Hint yağı / Ricinus communis
20. Muğla kişnişi / Ferulago mughlae
21. Compact brome / Kırmızı brom / Bromus madritensis
22. Mediterranean linseed / Kara ballıbaba /  Bellardia trixago
23. Pale rose holyhock / Hatmi çiçeği / Alcea pallida
24. Oregano / Kekik / Origanum onites