
  • Time // Philip Turetzky (TR+)*
  • Time and the Other // Emmanuel Levinas (TR+)
  • Mekansallık, Sanat Üretiminde Eşzamanlılık Durumu // Gülşen Özaydın, Saadet Tuğçe Tezer 
  • Humankind: Solidarity with Non-Human People // Timothy Morton (TR+)
  • The Expulsion of the Other // Byung-Chul Han (TR+)
  • Power of Gentleness // Anne Dufourmantelle (TR+)
  • Marcel Duchamp and the Refusal of Work // Maurizio Lazzarato (TR+)
  • Nietzsche and Philosophy // Gilles Deleuze (TR+)
  • Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World // Timothy Morton (TR+)
  • Realist Magic: Objects, Ontology, Causality // Timothy Morton (TR+)
  • All Art is Ecological // Timothy Morton
  • Technic and Magic // Federico Campagna (TR+)
  • Theurgy and the Soul: The Neoplatonism of Iamblichus // Gregory Shaw
  • The Posthuman // Rosi Braidotti (TR+)
  • Joyful Militancy, Building Resistance in Toxic Times // Nick Montgomery, Carla Bergman (TR+)
  • The Craftsman // Richard Sennett (TR+)
  • The Beauty of Everyday Things // Soetsu Yanagi
  • The Scent of Time // Byung-Chul Han (TR+)
  • Spinoza: Practical Philosophy // Gilles Deleuze (TR+)
  • The Logic of Sense // Gilles Deleuze (TR+)
  • Bergsonism // Gilles Deleuze (TR+)
  • Difference and Repetition // Gilles Deleuze (TR+)
  • What is Grounding? // Gilles Deleuze 
  • Deleuze: The Clamor of Being // Alan Badiou (TR+)
  • Thus Spoke Zarathustra // Friedrich Nietzsche (TR+)
  • Ecce Homo // Friedrich Nietzsche (TR+)
  • On the Improvement of Understanding // Spinoza (TR+)
  • Sophist // Platon (TR+)
  • Inside the White Cube // Brian O’Doherty (TR+)
  • The End of Art // Donald Kuspit (TR+)
  • The Conspiracy of Art // Jean Baudrillard (TR+)
  • The Courage to Create // Rollo May (TR+)
  • Images and Symbols // Mircea Eliade (TR+)
  • Myth of the Eternal Return // Mircea Eliade (TR+)
  • Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis // Erich Fromm (TR+)
  • Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind // Shunryu Suzuki (TR+)

List is in no particular order but I’ll be adding to the top as I read. 

*published in Turkish